sofSIGN – Digital Signature
is a comprehensive solution providing mobile electronic signatures that can be integrated into different business processes. It enables you to create a mobile phone signature and use it to sign different forms of documents, such as contracts, delivery notes, work orders, and transfer lists.
Execution of a document using an electronic signature
Many companies carry out the delivery of goods and materials with their own delivery. Since the delivery is diverse and the value of material can be very high, the delivery service is expected to carry out a consistent signing of delivery notes. After having the delivery notes signed by the recepient, they are later returned to companies as proof of delivery, where they are being scanned. Such process enables transparency over the returned delivery notes. Duly completed and signed delivery note is a legally valid basis for invoicing. In practice, however, it may happen that many signed delivery notes may not get returned to the consignor, or, in most cases, the delivery signatures are not readable.
We have developed sofSIGN, a perfect solution to help eliminate this deficiency. Vendor longs into the mobile application, where a list of delivery notes is downloaded. The application automatically downloads these documents from the existing WMS system. The user manually (or with the help of a bar code) selects a delivery note that needs to be handed over with a pre-defined process. The process takes place in real time, which allows control over the current statuses of the shipment and the whole delivery process. The vendor and buyer decide on complete or partial take-over when handing over the merchandise. The entire supply process is supported by GPS data, which allows uanmbiguous location accuracy.
This information together with the signature is then transferred to the original delivery note, from where it is transferred to the customer’s electronic document management system, dokumentni sistem DMS. Legally prescribed compliance is provided by a qualified digital certificate of every electronic signature and every document in the EBA DMS system.
Benefits of using the sofSIGN
- compatible with Android and iOS operating system,
- unequivocal definition of the location of the delivery,
- real time process control,
- readability of signatories,
- integration with WMS system (direct transfer of electronic and PDF delivery notes)
- integration with an existing ERP system
- integration with EBA DMS system
- delivery takes an active role in the sales process itself (notification of delivery, automatic invoicing…)