
Cash Register Solutions

For easy cash operations managemnet on mobile devices, for service activities and stores, in the office or in the field.


Simple Cash Registers RA/RC/RF

  • Vodenje blagajniškega poslovanja na mobilnih napravah.
  • Primerne za storitvene dejavnosti in trgovine, v pisarni ali na terenu.
  • Enostavne za uporabo in brezplačno podporo.

Napredne PC blagajne RT/RE

  • PC blagajne za zahtevnejše uporabnike, ki želijo pregledno vodenje poslovanja na prodajnih mestih.
  • Omogočajo naročanje ter prevzem blaga, spremljanje stanja naročil, nadzor nad ostalimi blagajnami ter medskladiščne prenose, inventure in napredno blagajniško poslovanje.
  • Primerne za gostinske lokale, trgovinske in storitvene dejavnosti.

Fully functional cash register also in the field

The PANTHEON Retail mobile application runs on Android tablet computers and smartphones. It provides a modern, reliable and user-friendly cash operations solution which makes it indispensable for everyone:

  • conducting sales on the go or in the shop,
  • engaged in service activities (hairdressing salons, flower shops, chimney sweeps, tradesmen, beauticians, massage salons, services provided at home, etc.) or
  • selling on stalls, markets and fairs.

Cenik programske opreme PANTHEON Retail


  • Mobile cash register
  • Cash register operations
  • Overview of items and prices
  • Reports and sales analysis
  • Overview of cash register closing balances by days
  • Issuing and receiving invoices


  • Mobile cash register
  • Cash register operations
  • Overview of items and prices
  • Reports and sales analysis
  • Overview of cash register closing balances by days
  • Issuing and receiving invoices
  • Data synchronization on multiple cash registers
  • Centralized register management, reports, creating export files for accounting, Act Amending the Tax Procedure Act (ZdavP2F), PDF documents, etc.…


  • POS terminal
  • Blagajniško poslovanje
  • Izdaja računov preko POS terminala
  • Urejanje artiklov preko zaledne pisarne
  • Sinhronizacija šifranta partnerjev na več blagajn
  • Prednastavljeni načini plačila
  • Možnost razdeljenih plačil
  • Pregled zaključkov
  • Evidenca izdanih računov


/monthly license rental
  • (License Purchase: 449 € + Annual Refreshment: 94,29 €)
  • Issue POS invoices
  • Cash receipts and disbursements
  • Subjects register (customers)
  • Overviews of items
  • Work safety forms


/monthly license rental
  • (License Purchase: 1.099 € + Annual Refreshment: 230,79 €)
  • Cash Operations
  • Sales and purchase orders
  • e-business and online stores
  • Issuing and receiving invoices
  • Inventory and warehouses

Purchasing PANTHEON

In case you decide to purchase the program, it will be installed on your computer/server and you will have to regularly upgrade software to new versions (legislative changes and new functionalities) and ensure data archiving. The purchase amount shall be settled in a single installment and the program will become your property. You will be charged an annual lump sum for program updates.

PANTHEON Rental (hosting)

The data you enter into the PANTHEON ™ program (eg invoices, stocks, accounting, salaries, etc.) are all stored in a database that is usually on a dedicated computer, i.e. server. The server is always active, so the data is always accessible and there are appropriate security measures on the server that prevent data loss, in particular backup, physical and software protection. With PANTHEON you pay for the hosting within a monthly fee that includes the use of the program, legal updates, data archiving and server hiring.